Friday, April 18, 2008

24 years old now!

I am now24 years old. For my sociology project I got a webkinz toy. Its soo cute. It is a mini terrier which is white with a pink and white doted bow. It was the softest one out of all of them. It is a very elaborate world they have on the net so I figured the best way to learn about it was to actually get one. So far I am earning point playing solitaire which is equal to money to buy stuff on the site for your webkinz. I will update later about how it is going.

Saturday, April 12, 2008


I am trying to think of a visual aid speech to do for my class on Monday, yea i know procrastination. Something I want to share with the class, hmmm. I am thinking something to do with my favorite children's books because that is really enhanced with showing the actual books. Talk about how important books are in my family, show some that we still have, stuff like that. This sounds good. Now just to get all my other stuff done, journals, reading text books, research paper for english, ugh.

Friday, April 11, 2008

Just Writing

Just felt like writing. I signed up for hulu finally and now I am watching Buffy the vampire slayer season 2, yay! I love being able to have buffy and write my blog on the same screen. Today the "space lady" came to talk to the kids. It was fun to watch them learn about new things, which I did also. The NASA symbol, the blue one with the swoosh, is also called a meatball. So every time the symbol showed up the kids yell "meatball!" its so cute. I got to read to them a book about a little duck and his duckling siblings who were afraid of the dark. They loved it. I was talking to one of the teachers and I told her how no matter what is going on in the morning, when I walk into the classroom, I feel better. I am happy and enjoy being with the kids. She said that is a true sign of wanting to work with kids and that I am in the right field. It was so great to hear from her. She also said I have a gift for working with kids one on one. I do love working with kids one on one, I am just not sure how to find that in a job with a two year degree.

Saturday, April 5, 2008


For my sociology class a group of us are looking into commercials for toys and gender. It is not as easy as I once thought. I have found a ton of video clips of commercials including the very first Barbie Doll commercial. But when it comes to stats on it, no luck so far.

Friday, April 4, 2008

So Negative

As a girl myself I do understand why girls are so mean and negative to each other but I really wish it was not like that. Life is already hard without some girl calling you names, talking crap about you that isnt true and so on. I will admit I have been like this to other girls, but I am trying to not anymore. I find it hard to trust a lot of girls and I know a lot of other girls feel the same way. Most girls probably feel that they would rather have the girl come and talk to them about their problem instead of talking behind her back while acting nice to her face. That has got to be one of the worst feelings, to find out someone hates you when they acted nice to you. Just wanted to write about it.