Friday, June 6, 2008

10 Questions

1. What’s your weather?
It is 90 right now and sunny

2. Where are you on your way to?
Idk yet lol

3. Are you good with directions?
Yes, ive been told that they would trust me to drive from one end of the coast to the other.

4. Do you know your neighbors?
I use to before they all left.
5. What do you smell?
Banana Bread Baking
1. If you had to participate in one olympic event what would it be and why?
Swimming, I love it!

2. What is the one song you always sing along to?
Any of Mariah Carey's Older songs
3. Do you wear a seatbelt in the car?
uh yea
4. Car, suv or truck and why?
Car,are u crazy with those gas prices
5. Are you a good/bad driver? Explain.
I've never been in an accident

Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Bad Google!


Click above image to read all about it.

Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Too Many

Do you ever feel like there are just too many social networks or some other way on the internet to be "social" and cant decide which to use? I do. I want my friends to be able to keep in touch but I also dont want the entire world to know everything about me. Plus, how do people keep up with all of them, how do they keep all of them straight? Just felt like sharing.

Monday, June 2, 2008

Bc Tyson is so freakin smart

I was talking to a friend of mine about my heritage. I said I was more than a quarter Irish but less than half. So he proceeded to figure out the math for me.
5/16 = Irish
4/16 = Swedish
4/16 = Dutch
2/16 = English
1/16 = Scottish

This means on my father's side his father is full Swedish and his mother is full Irish. On my mother's side her father was full Dutch and her mother had one parent who was all English and one who was Scottish and Irish. Im guessing the math is right. lol